mesothelioma and asbestos cancer info
Mesothelioma and other Asbestos related cancer diagnoses and deaths have increased dramatically since the early 1970s and are projected to drastically increase in the future. It can take 20-40 years after being exposed to asbestos to get mesothelioma and related asbestos cancers. Asbestos was used extensively in the past which explains why so many are diagnosed with mesothelioma and asbestos related cancer today. Some treatments and therapies are better than others.
The congresses efforts to set up compensation funds mesothelioma and asbestos cancer are widely agreed to be vastly underfunded. The number of mesothelioma and asbestos related cancer claims are so many that they would overwelm the proposed fund. The congress should recognise the magnitude of this deadly cancer and multiply many times the proposed amount for this fund and keep doing it, especially with with the huge increases of people being diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos related cancer as well as the severity and fatality rate of the cancer. Big business should take the the brunt of the responsability.If you think you were exposed to asbestos in the past, it would be wise to get checked as soon as possible, since an early diagnosis is best. One can only hope for a cure for cancer someday.
Mesothelioma asbestos cancer and lawyer and attorney information
The congresses efforts to set up compensation funds mesothelioma and asbestos cancer are widely agreed to be vastly underfunded. The number of mesothelioma and asbestos related cancer claims are so many that they would overwelm the proposed fund. The congress should recognise the magnitude of this deadly cancer and multiply many times the proposed amount for this fund and keep doing it, especially with with the huge increases of people being diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos related cancer as well as the severity and fatality rate of the cancer. Big business should take the the brunt of the responsability.If you think you were exposed to asbestos in the past, it would be wise to get checked as soon as possible, since an early diagnosis is best. One can only hope for a cure for cancer someday.
Mesothelioma asbestos cancer and lawyer and attorney information
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